New Adventures or Old Favorites?
Which is better? Returning to a beloved, familiar destination where you made wonderful memories or branching out to seek adventure in an entirely new destination?
Venturing to a new destination can be exciting and educational, but it also tends to require more time, research and thought to decide whether or not it’s a place you would enjoy. Planning to repeat a trip to a beloved destination is easier and feels more comfortable, but it can leave you questioning whether it can live up to those precious memories and those high expectations. Will it be as wonderful as it was in the past? And does it have to be just as it was the last time?
Long time family favorites - Disneyland & Walt Disney World
Of course, it’s great if you can do both, but with limited time, money, and points, many of us tend to plan one trip at a time, which can make choosing that next destination complicated. I’ve seen plenty of controversial posts online and heard stories from friends about being confronted as to why they keep returning to their favorite destination, whether it’s a beach front hotel, a ski resort, or a theme park. So who’s right? I think it makes sense to figure out what brings you joy and to pursue it, whether that means spending your vacation time camping, enjoying your favorite city, or visiting a foreign land. It’s your down time, after all, and you deserve to spend it however you choose.
Lake Tahoe - We have enjoyed all of our visits there.
Personally, I fall somewhere in between, mixing things up every few years to try something new while still saving room to revisit a family favorite every now and then. Exploring a new and far-off destination appeals to my sense of adventure and desire to discover more about our beautiful planet. At the same time, I find revisiting familiar destinations both comfortable and more relaxing, and there are a few I enjoy time and again. On numerous occasions, a new experience has brought my family such joy that I have added it to our revisit list.
Paris is always a pleasure.
Lately, I have felt as though I “should” go someplace different, so I began planning a visit to an entirely new destination. Just as I was getting those plans settled, an opportunity to repeat a wonderful past experience presented itself and I chose to switch course - and I’m happy with that decision. I feel that there’s nothing wrong with a repeat visit; after all, I can still plan new experiences in that destination while giving myself a chance to slow down and see the things I missed the first time. While I’m a planner by nature, I have made a conscious decision to try to “go with the flow” and see where the current takes me, which gives me the flexibility to adjust my plans to take advantage of a good opportunity when I find one. And who knows? Maybe next time I’ll end up in an entirely different part of the world!
A new family favorite -Þingvellir National Park in Iceland.
So where do you fall? Are you someone who constantly seeks new experiences? Do you have one or two favorites that you prefer to revisit whenever you get the chance? Or do you fall somewhere in the middle like I do? I’d love to hear what you prefer in the comments!